The one.

Name: Kheng Yeow aka kY
Age 18
Ngee Ann Poly Year 2
Logistics Management


Say what you want to say. Can even kill me if you want =]


Simin Mei

The past

February 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008


Edited by kY
photoshop elements 2.0

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Alrite, one by one. I will do the quiz tagged by my DEAR MEI -.- (rather a sabo =x)

20 people that comes in my mind:
1- Simin (the evil mei, since u have a evil kor) muahaha
2- Eliz (rush and rush!)
3- Suyee jie (the cabalian now -.-)
4- Adelene (Fatpig! =x)
5- Samuel (the Dog -.-)
6- Kenneth (the psp lender -.-)
7- Alvin
8- Andy
9- Jonas
10- Willam (the rider)
11- Hanyi (mapler!)
12- Joreen (map finder. haha)
13- Joyce
14- Eng Keong (MIA -.-)
15- Judy (Nightmare!)
16- Gabriel (pinky)
17- Huiyin
18- Rebeca
19- Pamela
20- Ivan Chew

Look at the time! I shall continue tmr... !

Ok, im back to continue the unfinished quiz.

Here are the questions:
How did you meet 14? (Eng Keong)
Sec sch! During sec 1 and 2. He sit beside me. We talk about games the whole day -.-

What will you do if you never met 1? (Simin Mei)
I will not have an evil mei XD

What if 9 and 20 dated? (Jonas and Ivan)
Omg, they are not gay.

Will 6 and 17 date? (Kenneth and Huiyin)
HAHA! possible? =x

Describe 3. (Su yee jie)
Eh, single and available! GOGOGO.

When is th last time you last spoke to 13? (Joyce)
Hmm, i think 2weeks ago ba.

What is 2's favourite singer or band? (Eliz)
She is fine with every song i sent! =D

Would you ever date 4? (Adelene)
OMG! YES! haha

Would you ever date 1? (Simin Mei)
CANNOT! people got someone in mind le. tsktsk

Is 19 single? (Pamela)
Nah, too bad. Attached! haha

What is 10's last name? (William)
William Yam!

Would you ever be in a relationship with 11? (Hanyi)
Nope. Hanyi does not equal to honey. LOL

School of 3? (Su yee jie)

Where does 6 live? (kenneth)
The so called Yew Tee.

What is your favourite thing of 5? (samuel)
Kser ar! *wave

Do the quiz if u haven't!!!!!!

kY misses at 12:08 AM

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Common tests have finished! Here comes holiday, but i duno what i can look forward to.
However, I haven't done 1 of my assignment, which i really have no mood to do it.
I dont know what im stressed about. School? Financial? Own life?
I just feel uneasy.
Alot of things i didnt realise.
I have been spending money just like mostly people did.
But after a calculation of the whole family expenses, i realised i spent alot.
Food, school fee, transports, bills, etc.
I contributed more den half of the whole expenses.
And i can see that my parents are working very hard.
I shall control my spending from now. Forgive me.
part time jobs!!! I think i need one. Hinder my studies?

kY misses at 1:29 AM

Fixing A Broken Heart - Indecent Obsession